NAPFA 2024奖获得者

NAPFA很高兴向一群杰出的专业人士和公司颁发其久负盛名的2024年奖项. 这些个人和组织体现了NAPFA在收费财务规划领域所提倡的卓越标准和承诺.

罗伯特J. Underwood Distinguished Service Award

Janet Briaud, CFP®

自1986年开始她的职业生涯以来,珍妮特一直是收费财务规划界的先锋力量. She came to the US from Canada in 1978 and as one of the few women in the industry in 1986, she established her practice with a commitment to the fee-only model right from the start. Janet quickly distinguished herself and her firm, 位于大学城, 德州, 通过服务大学专业人士的利基客户——早在利基成为财务规划的普遍策略之前.

当她在董事会任职,然后担任NAPFA的总裁和主席时,她的影响力显著扩大. 多年来,她一直受邀为NAPFA成员讲授广泛的主题,包括“收费计划经济学”, 在利基市场工作, 遗产规划, 和目标设定.

除了她的宣传工作, Janet was instrumental in founding the 20/20 group, 一个由思想领先的公司组成的联盟,以其在NAPFA内外的规模和影响力而闻名. 这一举措不仅促进了公司之间的合作,而且还增加了进入另类资产和私人市场的机会, meeting a growing need among sophisticated investors.

珍妮特对财务规划职业发展的承诺延伸到了学术界. She tirelessly advocated for financial education at 德州 A&她所在的M大学,在金融项目的顾问委员会任职. Encouraging others in her firm to get involved with 德州 A&米大学, especially after the introduction of a financial planning minor (now major as of 2024), 她的努力确保了下一代金融专业人士受过良好教育,有道德基础.

Throughout her nearly four decades in the industry, Janet has maintained her maverick streak, continuously exploring new opportunities to enhance her clients' financial well-being. 她的奉献精神和富有远见的领导能力不仅塑造了她的公司的成功,而且深刻地影响了更广泛的财务规划领域.

今天, Briaud Financial Advisors是一家全国知名的公司,为不同的客户群提供服务,并以其创新和前瞻性的个人理财方法而闻名.


Sunit Bhalla, CFP®

Sunit is the founder of OakTree Financial Planning, a fee-only firm based in Fort Collins, 科罗拉多州, 它为工程师和其他技术专业人士提供财务规划和投资管理.

Sunit获得the College for Financial Planning的个人财务规划硕士学位, a Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts, and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from New Mexico State University. 他之前的工作是R&D manager and software developer at Hewlett Packard and Agilent Technologies.

Sunit’s volunteer experience includes serving on the NAPFA National Board, co-leading the NAPFA Solo 谈话圈, leading the NAPFA Northern 科罗拉多州 Study Group; serving on several NAPFA committees, including the Leadership Development Committee, 教育委员会, and the Audit committee; and speaking at more than fifteen conferences.

He currently is on the Board of Directors at the Food Bank of Larimer County, and he volunteered more than 600 hours in his kids’ classrooms when they were younger.

Sunit and his wife are avid runners and have run three marathons. They also love traveling the world with their kids.


Franklin Gay, CFP®,EA

富兰克林·盖伊, CFP®, EA joined 托比亚斯金融顾问公司 in 2020 and serves as a Wealth Advisor. 他获得了注册财务规划师™专业认证,并完成了成为美国国税局注册代理人的测试要求,这使他有权在美国国税局代表客户. 这些证书在财务规划和税务方面奠定了坚实的基础,使Franko能够在不同的规划领域帮助客户.

Franko takes great pleasure in working with a diverse range of clients, 包括企业主, 高管, 飞行员, 房地产专业人士. With a passion for understanding their unique needs and goals, Franko致力于根据客户的具体情况提供量身定制的财务策略和解决方案,帮助他们实现长期成功.

Born and raised in Central Florida, Franko是中佛罗里达大学(University of Central Florida)骄傲的校友,他以summa cum laude的成绩毕业,获得金融学学士学位. 在攻读学位期间, 富兰克林还同时参加了布莱恩特大学的财务规划证书课程. 成为一个积极的学习者, 他目前正在诺瓦东南大学攻读过程改进MBA学位, as he is passionate about business operations and optimization of daily procedures.

Before joining 托比亚斯金融顾问公司, Franko曾在一家精品财富管理和财务规划公司工作,协助该公司的负责人为14个州的120多个客户制定财务计划.

Franko is a member of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA), where he also serves as the President of the South Region Board of Directors. Franko often attends their conferences, 与志同道合的金融专业人士建立联系,并为年轻一代的理财规划师提供指导. Franko is also passionate about business operations and process improvement. 他是美国质量协会南佛罗里达学生分会的主席. 在这个角色中, he works on engaging current students, 通过组织教育和社会活动,校友和未来的学生认识到过程改进教育对人们职业生涯的重大贡献.

在业余时间, 你会发现弗兰科在钓鱼, 皮划艇, 享受美丽, sunny South Florida weather with his loved ones.

引用Franko的话: There is so much more to money than just numbers, there is real sacrifice behind each and every dollar saved. To be entrusted by clients to act as their guide through markets, 税收立法, 当我建立这些终身的关系时,压倒性的情感是一种真正的特权.”



妮基·帕鲁奇,CAE, is a seasoned association executive professional with over 17 years of experience. She spent the first ten years of her career at SmithBucklin, working primarily with leadership and volunteer programs in technology user groups. In 2015, she moved to the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA), where her focus was primarily on membership engagement and recruitment, 一些努力, 志愿者管理. 在NAPFA工作期间, 会员增长超过75%, 但最令她自豪的是她为协会内不同群体设计的节目. As of December of 2023, Nikki is the Director of 成员hip & 在食品技术协会(IFT),她专注于为食品科学界创造一种相互联系和积极的会员体验.

Nikki's passion is for creating inclusive, 协作的社区, 为了达到这个目的, she has been an active Association Forum volunteer for several years. She currently serves as their Chair for the Member Engagement Committee. 尼基还担任她的孩子的小学筹款组织的董事会副总裁, and coaches youth soccer on the weekend. She lives in Chicago with her family, 业余时间用来跑步, 阅读, and cooking for her friends and family.

财务规划 曾获 Excellence in DEI Award – Solo Firm for its dedicated efforts to promote diversity, 股本, and inclusion within their operations and the broader community.

压载点财务规划 曾获 Excellence in DEI Award – Mid-Sized Firm, 表彰他们在组织各个层面培养重视多样性的包容性环境方面的有效举措.

托比亚斯金融顾问公司 曾获 Excellence in DEI Award – Large Firm for their substantial and effective DEI initiatives, 显著提高了公司内部的包容性,并在行业中树立了标杆.

NAPFA基金会 Pro Bono Service Award

Lisa Neira,注册会计师

Lisa is a Wealth Advisor in our Morristown, NJ, office. Lisa joined legacy firm RegentAtlantic in 2021, 凭借超过15年的财富管理经验,为高净值个人和家庭提供财务建议. She advises clients on financial planning, 税务规划和投资管理,帮助他们实现退休前和退休后的财务目标. Lisa specializes in working with LGBTQIA+ clients and their families, and understands the unique financial challenges this community generally faces. She also serves as a LGBTQIA+ planning resource to other advisors across the firm. She is a featured speaker and has been quoted in financial news media, 包括资产电视, Barron’s Advisor and InvestmentNews. Lisa holds the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification. She graduated from Richard Stockton School of New Jersey, 获得商科理学学士学位,主修金融和经济学. Prior to joining RegentAtlantic, Lisa was a VP, Wealth Planner at Fidelity Investments. Lisa和她的妻子Mindy Neira以及他们的女儿Jackson住在新泽西州的Cedar Grove. 她喜欢旅行。, 为她的家人做饭, 带着小狗到处跑, 艾弗里, and watching her favorite sports teams. She is an avid fan of the Nets, Jets and Yankees.